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Invented by a surgeon, Minne Ties are an innovative technology that achieves strong and durable maxillomandibular fixation. The result is an efficient, safe, and cost-effective solution that improves the surgeon and patient experience.

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MMF Reimagined

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Medical grade braided polyester structure with a bonded polypropylene


Blunt tip introducer

1.0 mm (18 ga.)

1.0 mm (18 ga.)

Self-locking and infinitely adjustable clasp head with smooth, rounded corners

0.7 mm (21 ga.)

Minne Ties® Agile MMF (dental occlusion ties) are an innovative, patent pending technology to rapidly, safely and securely achieve maxillomandibular fixation (MMF), or jaw fixation, which is required to manage most jaw-related trauma and jaw surgeries. Unlike traditional arch bars and wires or screw-based systems, Minne Ties are a noninvasive solution that improves surgeon and patient safety, saves time, and provides efficiency and flexibility.


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The Minne Ties suture is introduced through the embrasures to create a loop. 

The stainless steel introducer is threaded through the green side of the clasp head. 

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Final tightening is done after all sutures are placed. Sutures are trimmed after tightening.

Apply the recommended four sutures on each side, using the largest size possible to minimize potential floss out.

Apply the recommended four sutures on each side, using the largest size possible to minimize potential floss out.

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Minne Ties are threaded through the interdental space and trimmed after application.  The blunt introducer eliminates sharp wires and screws that can puncture gloves and cause injuries to the surgeon and damage to patients' gums and mouth, improving patient safety and comfort.

Application of Minne Ties is simple and takes about a minute per Ties, reducing total procedure time in or outside of the O.R.. Patient management can be done in the Emergency Department or clinic, allowing for more efficient utilization of resources.


Minne Ties are low profile and take significantly less space in the mouth, allowing better visibility and access for plating, and tangle-free suturing during closing.  Using the recommended number of Ties, Minne Ties provide strong, secure and durable MMF.


Minne Ties require less time than arch bars and hybrid systems, saving surgeon and costly O.R. time.  Removal of Minne Ties can be done outside the O.R. without general anesthesia, eliminating the need for additional O.R. time.


Minne Ties - A Valuable Addition to the Surgeon’s Toolbox

Unlike other MMF methods, Minne Ties are non-invasive, eliminating sharp wires and invasive screws to improve surgeon and patient safety.



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Minne Ties

IMF Screws

Arch Bars

Hybrid Arch Bars

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Featured Publication From JOMS

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"Dental occlusion ties are not appropriate for every case. As this product is relatively new, there are no strict objective criteria about when and when not to use them. However, the authors agree that compromised occlusion with missing dentition, loose teeth, many open interproximal contacts, comminuted fractures in the setting of trauma, periodontal disease, and a need for postoperative elastic therapy are all relative limitations or contraindications."


"In conclusion, the authors believe DOTs are a safe, time-saving, and effective alternative to IMF screws, Erich arch bars, and hybrid arch bar devices in achieving MMF during total temporomandibular joint replacement in patients with normal or near-normal occlusion. DOTs seem as fast as or faster to apply than all other approaches described, with the added benefits of reduced trauma to the patient’s gingiva and oral mucosa, decreased risk to the surgeon and operating team by eliminating the use of wires, and reduced risk of cross-contamination from the oral cavity to the prosthesis...The authors believe this technique has the potential to become a routine method of MMF in all OMS practices and may represent a new paradigm in MMF for appropriate patients."

JOMS, November 2022

Click here to access the article.

Product Configurations



Polypropylene, Polyester, Stainless Steel


1.0 mm (18 ga)

0.7 mm (21 ga)

Clasp Head

Blunt Introducer

Product configurations available for purchase include:

12 Suture Kit


  • Ten Standard Ties (1.0 mm)

  • Two Supplemental Thin Ties (0.7 mm)

  • Cheek retractor custom-designed to organize Ties during application

Two Packs

Each two pack includes two sutures of the same size.



Two Standard Ties (1.0 mm)

Two Supplemental Thin Ties (0.7 mm)

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Always refer to the instructions for use before using any Minne Ties products.

Made in the USA   |   FDA 510(k) Cleared   |   US Patent US20140343614A1

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