MMF Article of the Month:
Nutritional Intervention During MMF
In a recent article published in the British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery titled "Nutritional intervention during maxillomandibular fixation of jaw fractures prevents weight loss and improves quality of life," Popat, S. P., et al evaluated the effectiveness of a home-based dietary plan to prevent weight loss and its effect on the quality of life of patients who underwent four weeks of MMF for the treatment of maxillofacial fractures. The nutritional intervention group experienced less weight loss and better oral health quality of life. The authors concluded that "individual home-based diet plans effectively helped the patients maintain their weight and improved QoL." Click here to read the article abstract
Official Minne Ties Training Page Launched in May
The Minne Ties training page is a collection of educational resources that will help support the optimal application of Minne Ties. These resources include training videos, quick application tips, patient selection and other in-depth training resources. You can view the training page by clicking this link or by scanning the QR code found on all product shipped after May 15!
Recent and Upcoming Events
Invisian Medical was pleased to host a training event with the Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Residency Program at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.
Invisian Medical is excited to support the annual meetings of the Pennsylvania Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the Ohio Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons this summer.
Tip of the Month: Tightening Minne Ties
A successful approach to tightening was recently shared by a surgeon applying Minne Ties for closed treatment: Once all Minne Ties are applied in a loop, pull back and forth on both ends of the suture in a rocking motion to help pull it through the gingival tissue. This helps ensure the suture is fully seated at the contact point, providing a solid foundation. Once fully seated, tighten all of the sutures finger tight. Fully tighten by holding the clasp against the teeth and pulling straight out on the suture.
The History of MMF: Dr. Lewis Gilmer
Dr. Thomas Lewis Gilmer was influential in the development of oral surgery in the 19th and 20th centuries. He was a founder of the Northwestern University Dental School, an oral surgery professor at the University of Chicago, and was the president of the Illinois State Dental Society from 1883-4. He is known for his invention of the Gilmer Splint and Gilmer wiring.
Dr. Gilmer invented a wiring technique that allowed for relatively rapid MMF. This simple direct interdental wiring technique wrapped .35mm wire around the neck of the tooth, and twisted the ends of the wire to tighten. The tails of these wires were then twisted together to achieve fixation. While his wiring was simple and fast, it had the disadvantages of being difficult to remove in an emergency, increased risk of extrusion of the teeth, and broken wires could not be replaced without replacing all others.
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